Recent Notes

Regular posts featuring my personal observations, insights, and relevant links.

A Pint of Plain is Your Only Man

Guinness ceased production of its porter at the end of April 1973. Interestingly, a pint of porter was poured from 2 separate barrels to get the creamy head.

The refrain "A pint of plain is your only man" from Flann O'Brien's poem, "The Workman's Friend" has become a famous quotation and means a pint of stout will solve all your problems.

Emperor Of Ice Cream Debut Album 25 years later!

Cork band Emperor Of Ice Cream were dropped by their label Sony before they got to record their album and subsequently broke up in 1995. They got together during lockdown to re-record everything and their accomplishment is now out to purchase. Well worth a listen.

Yellow Screen and how Mary Poppins changed film making

Yellow Screen or The Sodium vapour process used by Disney and made famous by Mary Poppins (1964) used a specially coated prism in an old three-strip Technicolor camera. They were able to film technically brilliant mattes even with transparency. There was only one camera with this unique prism. Nobody was able to replicate it, and it was only ever for 35mm film. Blue Screen was developed for larger film formats at the time like 65mm, Ben Hur in particular.

Speed up Craft CMS Updates using Composer

This is super helpful when doing all your updates in Craft CMS in via composer. The composer plugin prestissimo, downloads packages in parallel to speed up the installation process. To install use a global require.

composer global require hirak/prestissimo

Add a custom header in your console for Cloudflare status

These days Cloudflare is in front of a lot of large sites I work with. This little tip in invaluable for checking on the cached status of a page. Add the custom header of cf-cache-status to your Network tab. Simple as that.

Check for Cloudflare status of a page

Craft 3.5 RC1 Release

Pixel & Tonic release Craft CMS 3.5 RC1. Very exciting. Highlights include New Field Layout Designer and custom UI elements based on site templates. Full 3.5 changelog

Pirates Graves or Kitchen?

While the rest of the family made a trek to Ballysrisode beach today, I was left at home "working". It's a great little beach in West Cork, Ireland. It's divided into two parts, and on the second part, there is an unusual grouping of stones.

There are two different stories to these. The first is that of a local pirate that had a battle on the beach and that they are gravestones. The second that it is the remains of a Bronze Age Fulacht Fia. Both a fascinating read no matter which one is correct.