Recent Notes

Regular posts featuring my personal observations, insights, and relevant links.

Learning to See Transparent Objects

Using Blender Mike Pan helped generate thousands of images to train an AI network that successfully sees transparent objects. Read the full article here.

Enabling machines to better sense transparent surfaces would not only improve safety but could also open up a range of new interactions in unstructured applications — from robots handling kitchenware or sorting plastics for recycling, to navigating indoor environments or generating AR visualizations on glass tabletops.

A Complete Guide to Dark Mode on the Web

Nice deep dive from CSS Tricks into using dark mode in the context of websites. Did you know for example that it helps to preserve battery life for devices with OLED screen where brighter colours consume more energy?

PureRef — reference image viewer

While I've been ramping up my learning of Blender, I found PureRef invaluable. It's a cross-platform tool to organise and view reference images. Its really simple, really unobtrusive and perfect reference board.

Sprig — A reactive Twig component framework for Craft CMS.

From Ben Croker, Sprig is a free plugin for Craft CMS that allows you to create reactive components from Twig templates and/or PHP classes. These components can re-render themselves on user-triggered events (clicks, changes to input fields, form submissions) using AJAX requests, without requiring you to write a single line of JavaScript.