Recent Notes

Regular posts featuring my personal observations, insights, and relevant links.

Dodgy Takes on Price increases

In this recent episode from, Thomas Sausen is joined by Shawna O'Neal to delve into the recent price hike of Craft CMS and its potential impact on businesses. The conversation explores the feasibility of introducing a more affordable option akin to Craft CMS Light and draws parallels with the Craft Client.

Microsoft Loop

Microsoft has released a new app called Loops, fully integrated with Microsoft 365 apps. It could potentially knock Notion off its throne?

Where To AI

Where To AI. Dream up your next trip with a bit of help from AI. Discover new destinations and find the best places to stay.


Obsidian is a powerful and extensible knowledge base that works on top of your local folder of plain text files. Obsidian Canvas looks interesting too.

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