Notes tagged with ‘Ireland’

Tanora Slushies

Tanora slushies made in the ice-cream maker. Tonight I'll experiment on what alcohol goes best! Tanora is a uniquely flavoured tangerine flavoured carbonated drink, and sold in Ireland, predominantly in Cork!

A Pint Of Plain Is Your Only Man

Guinness ceased production of its porter at the end of April 1973. Interestingly, a pint of porter was poured from 2 separate barrels to get the creamy head.

The refrain "A pint of plain is your only man" from Flann O'Brien's poem, "The Workman's Friend" has become a famous quotation and means a pint of stout will solve all your problems.

Pirates Graves Or Kitchen?

While the rest of the family made a trek to Ballysrisode beach today, I was left at home "working". It's a great little beach in West Cork, Ireland. It's divided into two parts, and on the second part, there is an unusual grouping of stones.

A sandy beach with scattered rocks covered in seaweed. Some green algae are visible on the sand, and there are footprints around the area. Rocks and remnants of seaweed vegetation can be found in various spots.

There are two different stories to these. The first is that of a local pirate that had a battle on the beach and that they are gravestones. The second that it is the remains of a Bronze Age Fulacht Fia. Both a fascinating read no matter which one is correct.