A Better Title Filter For Twig Using Craft CMS

Quick Summary: The default Twig title filter lacked the necessary flexibility for this site. To address this limitation, I developed a custom Craft CMS Twig Extension, which provided enhanced functionality and greater control over title formatting.

A Twig filter for titles currently exists that converts a string to capitalize it.

{{ entry.title|title }}

The above craft variable and twig filter changes

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While the Twig filter for titles works great in 99% of cases, it's important to be aware of its limitations.

But what if your string already contains capitals or other variants that must remain in the current format?


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This  becomes

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This doesn't achieve what we want. So, a custom Twig extension to the rescue.

Strict Title Twig Extension

The original title filter from Twig uses PHP's mb_convert_case

public static function titleCase(string $charset, $string): string
        return mb_convert_case($string ?? '', \MB_CASE_TITLE, $charset);

Lets create our own function. This is where unicode character properties in regex can save us.

A reproduction of mb_convert_case without the problematic conversion to lowercase becomes:

public function mb_convert_case_utf8_variation($s): string
        $arr = preg_split("//u", $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        $result = "";
        $mode = false;
        foreach ($arr as $char) {
            $res = preg_match(
                    '/\\p{Mn}|\\p{Me}|\\p{P}|\\p{Cf}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Sk}|\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|' .
                    '\\p{Lt}|\\p{Sk}|\\p{Cs}/u', $char) == 1;
            if ($mode) {
                if (!$res) {
                    $mode = false;
            } elseif ($res) {
                $mode = true;
                $char = mb_convert_case($char, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8");
            $result .= $char;

        return $result;


For each character, a regular expression is used to check if the character belongs to any of several unicode character classes. If the character is from one of these classes, $res will be true.

The rest of the code inside the loop checks the $res value. If $res is true, and $mode is false, that means we're transitioning from a non-matching character to a matching character, so mb_convert_case() is used to convert the character to title case and $mode is set to true. If $res is false and $mode is true, then we're transitioning from a matching character to a non-matching one, so $mode is turned off.

At the end of each loop iteration, whether the character was transformed to title case or not, it's appended to $result.

Props to user Artefacto on this Stack Exchange post

How to Install

I have a custom module on my site where I have integrated this twig extension. I won't review that here, but you can read  Soft Limit Function on a Craft CMS Text Field Using a Module for more info.

You can grab the full code for this Twig Extension