Error Reporting With Rollbar And Craft CMS

Quick Summary: Rollbar, a third-party service, provides an efficient way to log errors from Craft CMS without requiring a plugin. This streamlined approach can enhance the efficiency of your error-logging tasks.

What is Rollbar?

Rollbar is an error tracking and monitoring tool designed to help developers identify, track, and manage errors and exceptions in their applications. It provides real-time notifications and insights into issues, allowing development teams to quickly diagnose and fix problems.

Setting Up Rollbar

Rollbar offers a free plan to get set up. During the onboarding process, they will ask a few questions about your integrations. Choose the PHP SDK when asked in the project setup.

Once you get your Project Access Token, the post_server_item specifically,  then add it to a new .env variable in your craft install called ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SERVER

Code Symbol .env

Add Rollbar to your composer.json

Next step is to add the Rollbar library to your project's composer.json

ddev composer require rollbar/rollbar

Configure Craft CMS

Update the Craft CMS config/app.php file.

// php opening tag

use craft\helpers\App;

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\RollbarHandler;
use Rollbar\Rollbar;
use samdark\log\PsrTarget;

// Rollbar Logging Setup
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {

return [
        'id' => App::env('CRAFT_APP_ID') ?: 'CraftCMS',
        'components' => [
            'log' => [
                'targets' => [
                        'class' => PsrTarget::class,
                        // Don't log any 404 errors
                        'except' => [
                        'logger' => (
                        new Logger('web'))->pushHandler(
                                new RollbarHandler(Rollbar::logger()), Logger::DEBUG),
                        'addTimestampToContext' => true,
                        'logVars' => [],

function initRollbarLogging()
    if (App::env("ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SERVER")) {
        $rollbarConfig = [
            "access_token" => App::env("ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SERVER"),
            "environment" => App::env('CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT'),
            // Optional for a Craft CMS site with users
            "capture_email" => true,
            "capture_username" => true,
            "person_fn" => static function () {
                if ($user = Craft::$app->getUser()->getIdentity()) {
                    return [
                        "id" => $user->id,
                        "username" => $user->email,
                        "email" => $user->email,
                return null;
Code Symbol /config/app.php